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🚗✨ From Car Sharing Dreams to Building a Talent Hive 🐝💻

Benoit Kulesza

Benoit Kulesza

October 4th 2024, 6:56 pm

🚗✨ From Car Sharing Dreams to Building a Talent Hive 🐝💻

🚗✨ From Car Sharing Dreams to Building a Talent Hive 🐝💻

Back in the good ol’ Deways days, we had a rockstar team of developers working tirelessly to improve our platform. But as the cash started to dwindle (you know how startups go), we had to think on our feet. 💡 So, we decided to sell the services of our dev team to extend our runway. On paper, it sounded like a golden plan. 📜✨

We had a crew of top-tier tech talent in Portugal, ready to take on projects for other startups in need of a little extra firepower. 🚀 And yes, we even signed a few deals, which gave us the oxygen we needed to keep our blockchain-based car-sharing concept alive for a little while longer. 🔥🚗🔗

Spoiler alert: It wasn’t enough. 🥲 Despite our best efforts, Deways had to come to a reluctant end. But, silver linings and all—this is where I started dipping my toes into the outplacement business. 👀

The Pivot: From Car Sharing to Tech Recruitment 🤝💼

Turns out, outplacement is a tough game. But with the right connections, it’s a very profitable one! Unlike car sharing, where transactions were worth a few euros at best, tech projects? We’re talking tens of thousands! 💸💸

After Deways, I threw myself into tech recruitment full-time. Everything was new, but it was thrilling to start fresh and, best of all, independent! 🎉 The tech recruitment world is wild—each demand is like searching for a needle in a haystack. 🧵 You need time, strong processes, and a lot of hustle.

But here’s the key: connections. Specifically, building a strong IT community. 🕸️👥

Experimenting My Way Forward 🔬💡

During my first year as a tech recruiter, I ran all kinds of experiments—selling fixed-price projects, outsourcing to lower-cost countries, automating matching processes, prospecting big companies, startups, you name it. 🔄 A few clients trusted me, and that was everything—just the air I needed to keep pushing forward. 🌬️🙏

That’s when it hit me. The idea I had for Deways—sharing value with the community that creates it—was so much more valuable in the recruitment market. 💡

Enter: GoodHive 🐝✨

I interviewed a few hundred freelancers during that time, and guess what? Every single one agreed on one thing: they'd love to earn a substantial part of the commission as a reward for client satisfaction. 🤝 It was a no-brainer and would be a key factor when choosing between recruitment platforms.

Freelancers get the value of what recruiters do, but let’s face it, they often feel the fees are overpriced. 💸💀 That’s when the seeds of GoodHive started to grow in my mind. 🌱

Imagine this: a community-driven, collaborative system powered by smart contracts, where members earn extra income by excelling in their work and supporting the community. 🤖💼 More than just finding talent, it’s about creating a more fair, rewarding experience where talent gets a bigger piece of the pie they helped bake! 🍰

So, How Does It Work? 🧐

Picture it like this: a higher quality of recruitment, powered by the peers who know best—fellow talent. Freelancers love the idea of a system that rewards them based on the value they bring. 🙌 And who better to help them deliver that value than a community that’s incentivized to see them succeed?

If you’re curious about how all this magic works, come join the hive at goodhive.io and see for yourself! 🐝💻

#Web3Jobs #SharingEconomy #Decentralization #TogetherWeThrive 💫